SugarBind provides information on known carbohydrate sequences to which pathogenic organisms (bacteria, toxins and viruses) specifically adhere.
This resource complies with the recommendations of the SNFG nomenclature for the representation of glycans.
The data is compiled through literature search by glycobiologists, microbiologists, and medical histologists. SugarBind will soon include synthetic glycan data from various sources.
The latest major update was performed on: February 21, 2018.
Please cite :
Mariethoz J, Khatib K, Alocci D, Campbell MP, Karlsson NG, Packer NH, Mullen EH, Lisacek F : SugarBindDB, a resource of glycan-mediated host-pathogen interactions
Nucl. Acids Res. (04 January 2016) 44 (D1): D1243-D1250. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1247